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The SVRI Forum is proud to announce our informative conference workshops facilitated by partners of the SVRI. Workshops will take place on Monday, 21 October 2024. Workshop registration is not included in conference registration and needs to be paid for separately.

Morning Workshops: 09h00 – 12h00

This is a participant-led workshop supported by the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women open for all VAW/G practitioners, researchers, policymakers and funders interested in coming together on the topic of practice-based knowledge and learning as a driving force behind women’s and feminist movements to end violence against women. Come join us as we discuss – (1) What is practice based knowledge and learning? How does it show up in our work? What are some of the opportunities and challenges practitioners face in documenting, co-creating, sharing, resourcing, or legitimizing practice-based knowledge and learning, particularly for smaller grassroots organizations? (2) How can we move towards a collective agenda for practice-based knowledge and learning and maximize its uptake, such that EVAW/G policy, programming and funding is more relevant to the needs of women and girls? At this session you will have the opportunity to discuss these questions and learn about practice-based knowledge and learning, including its importance to the EVAW/G evidence base.

This workshop is for practitioners of ending violence against women and girls, as well as researchers, policymakers and funders.

Facilitators: UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, Raising Voices and What Works to Prevent Violence against Women and Girls II

This workshop will help you develop your knowledge and skills to make your research accessible and usable for decision-making in policy and practice. You will learn basic concepts around research for impact in the violence against women field; will hear from world experts on concrete experiences of using research for impact in low- and middle-income countries; and will learn how to develop research for impact plan. This workshop is intended for researchers, policy-makers and funders.

Facilitators: Priti Prabhughate, Sexual Violence Research Initiative and Diana J. Arango, The World Bank Group

This workshop is intended for anyone who goes to the science talks at SVRI or picks up reports/articles on quantatiative research and finds themselves wondering “What on earth do all those numbers mean?” “Why should I care?” or “What does this all mean for me?” We offer a fun, gentle, and friendly space for folks whose expertise lies in other areas and for anyone who believes or has been told that they are bad at maths. Join us and make friends with numbers!

Facilitators: KL Dunkle, KL Dunkle Consulting; Esnat Chirwa and Shibe Mhlongo, South African Medical Research Council

Technology is becoming increasingly essential to enable access to networks, employment, information and services to achieve women’s human rights. With increased access to technologies, however, are emerging opportunities and spaces for the perpetuation of gender-based violence. The main objective of this workshop is to convene a space to share research and data demonstrating the different forms of technology-facilitated gender-based violence, how it manifests across different regions and contexts, the consequences it has for victim-survivors and the community at large, and who is most at risk. The workshop will also be an opportunity to share measures and methodologies currently used to increase the understanding of this phenomenon, existing gaps in the evidence, measurement challenges, as well as global, regional, national and sub-national efforts and initiatives to advance in our understanding of this violence, as the first step to define policies and interventions to address it. Facilitators and participants will share resources and tools available to advance the understanding and tackling of this form of violence against women, including for research and data collection, prevention, support to victim-survivors, laws and policies (including to hold the tech sector and other responsible parties into account), and other programming. The workshop will also address issues around safety and protection of data as well as ethics and safety in data collection on this form of violence. The workshop will use an interactive and engaging methodology that will include group discussions and exercises. It is intended for researchers, civil society organizations, women machineries, practitioners, international organizations, national statistical offices and other data producers, private/business/tech industry.

Facilitators: Raphaëlle Rafin, UN Women; Alexandra Robinson, UNFPA, LynnMarie Sardinha, WHO

The body of evidence on the effectiveness of different interventions to prevent and reduce IPV continues to grow. As program implementers, researchers and donors become increasingly interested in adapting these ‘proven and tested’ IPV prevention interventions to new contexts, there is a need for guidance, and tools to facilitate this process. The IPV-ADAPT+ Framework, developed by Equality Insights Lab and the SVRI, outlines the process for conducting culturally sensitive and contextually responsive IPV program adaptations. The IPV-ADAPT+ Framework consists of 5 stages and 15 steps, and highlights the key principles to enable various actors to strengthen the adaptation of IPV prevention programming for diverse settings.
The aims of this workshop are to build knowledge and skills on IPV program adaptation, foster dialogue on this topic and introduce the IPV-ADAPT+ framework and other tools and resources to strengthen IPV program adaptation. Participants will have the opportunity to share expertise and think through the process of adaptation as well as apply learnings through case studies.

Facilitators: Vandana Sharma, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; Jennifer Scott, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center at Harvard Medical School

Femicide is broadly defined as “the intentional killing of women or girls because of their gender” and unsurprisingly definitions vary widely according to context. With at least one in three female homicides worldwide being committed by an intimate partner, these intimate femicides outpace other forms of gender-based killing. Administrative data on femicide is mainly available in high income countries, with data from low- and middle- income countries mainly resulting from dedicated research studies drawing on forensic, legal, police or media data. This workshop seeks to discuss key themes around femicide research, including terminology and theory and will focus in particular around issues of innovative methodologies for femicide research, sources of data and data gaps. The underlying aim of the workshop is 1) to advance the methodology of femicide research in low- and middle-income countries through mapping innovative approaches, 2) provide an overview of existing research (who is doing what and where) and 3) to create a global network of femicide researchers. While the moderators will provide framing and impulse talks, there will be ample room for discussion and information sharing.

Facilitators: Dabney P. Evans, Emory University US; Naeemah Abrahams, South African Medical Research Council; Heidi Stöckl, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich Germany

Violence against children and violence against women are highly interconnected issues, often perpetuated within the same family dynamics. This workshop seeks to address the question: What interventions can effectively reduce both forms of violence? Through a comprehensive review of evidence-based strategies, participants will have the opportunity to learn about emerging evidence about the potential of addressing both types of violence concurrently. This interactive session will also explore in-depth how parenting and family support programmes can be adapted so that they are able to promote gender equality and to address multiple forms of violence in the home. The workshop is intended for practitioners, researchers, and policy makers who want to learn more about programming efforts seeking to reduce multiple forms of violence simultaneously.

Facilitators: Alessandra Guedes, Moa Schafer and Christine Kolbe-Stuart, UNICEF; Clara Alemann and Kate Doyle, Equimundo: Center for Masculinities and Social Justice; Lina Digolo, Prevention Collaborative; Loraine Bacchus and Manuela Colombini, LSHTM.

Ensuring and continually improving quality of post gender-based violence (GBV) clinical services is critical for meeting the health needs of survivors. Quality Assurance (QA) is a means of assessing the quality of services against meeting or not meeting standards at a singular point in time. QA is largely an external assessment process that is retrospective in that it looks back at what has been done or is currently in place. Tools that focus on or incorporate post-violence care QA, such as WHO’s GBV QA Tool and Global Standards for Quality Health-care Services for Adolescents, are widely used and important evidenced-based standards for post-GBV care. However, in addition to quantifying quality through an assessment, there is a critical need to build internal and continuous systems of problem identification and incremental change tailored to population and service type. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) is an ongoing and dynamic process that goes further to build a culture of quality while exploring what works to improve post-GBV care for all survivors. This workshop aims to enhance capacity of participants to move beyond GBV Quality Assurance (QA) towards GBV Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) through experiences in Nigeria and Mozambique.

Facilitators: Meagan Cain, Udhayashankar Kanagasabai, Langan Denhard, CDC Atlanta; Isabelle Casavant, CDC Mozambique; Bukola Adewumi, CDC Nigeria

Targets have been set within the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for all countries to reduce violence in families and communities. This has created a need for solid evidence on the prevalence, causes, and consequences of childhood violence. While there has been a substantial amount of research published on violence against children (VAC), there are vast differences in the quality of approaches taken and the data produced. Ultimately, reliable research on VAC requires implementing meaningful, valid, and reliable measurement tools in an ethical and rigorous manner. In this workshop we will: (1) Introduce key evidence-based concepts for measuring VAC in LMICs within research studies; (2) Build researchers’ knowledge of VAC measurement and best practices for safeguarding children in research using interactive and cohesive instruction; and (3) Highlight valid and reliable VAC measurement instruments and strategies for cultural/contextual adaptations and stakeholder engagement.

The workshop material has been informed by: (1) Our existing published systematic reviews on the psychometric properties of self-report and retrospective measures of VAC; (2) The development of our freely accessible online course Measuring Violence Against Children from Concept to Action housed on the SVRI website which included content development and oversight from VAC measurement experts from diverse geographic contexts (including LMICs); and (3) Our extensive research experience in designing and implementing studies on VAC and analysing data related to VAC.

Facilitators: Franziska Meinck, University of Edinburgh; Bridget Steele, University of Oxford.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) people experience high rates of gender-based violence (GBV) perpetrated by intimate partners, family members, law enforcement, government officials, health care workers, employers, and strangers. LGBTQI+ people are criminalized in 65 countries, making it difficult to prevent and respond to GBV because violence against these populations is sanctioned by the state. A widespread anti-gender movement has led to increasingly punitive legal environments in some regions, going so far as to make it illegal to knowingly provide health or social services to LGBTQI+ people, heightening security risks for anti-violence practitioners.

The global evidence base for how to effectively prevent and respond to violence against LGBTQI+ people is limited. However, some emerging evidence and a wealth of practice-based knowledge exists. This interactive workshop will:

  • Explore the intersections between violence against women and girls (VAWG) and violence against LGBTQI+ people, including common drivers, programming principles, and synergies between women’s rights and LGBTQI+ rights movements
  • Discuss recent legislative changes and backlash against LGBTQI+ communities in countries like Uganda, Malawi, and Ghana and how communities and practitioners have been affected
  • Overview ways to reduce violence against LGBTQI+ people
  • Build skills for promoting the security of implementers of LGBTQI+ anti-violence programs

This workshop is intended for practitioners, civil society organizations, advocates, policymakers, and funders. Small groups discussions will build connections among workshop participants with the aim of identifying opportunities for collective action, continued collaboration, and cross-learning between VAWG practitioners and LGBTQI+ anti-violence practitioners.

Facilitators: FHI 360, Outright International, and the What Works to Prevent Violence Against Women and Girls Programme.

Afternoon Workshops: 14h00 – 17h00

Participatory research stems from aspirations to redress imbalances of power within research, aiming to co-create knowledge with young people rather than for them. However, involving children, young people, survivors and communities in CSV research presents myriad of challenges and concerns for researchers and practitioners. One of the foremost concerns revolves around navigating the sensitive and ethical dilemmas associated with the participation of children and survivors. It’s imperative to tread carefully, acknowledging the sensitivity of the subject matter and ensuring that the rights and well-being of all involved parties are upheld. There is a growing recognition that participation, if not carefully approached, can be tokenistic, extractive, and in some cases, harmful, especially to CSV survivors. These concerns point to the need to recognize voice and agency while balancing participation and protection. In light of these pressing concerns, our forthcoming workshop is designed to shine a spotlight on the pivotal concept of survivor-cantered Child Sexual Violence research. We aim to engage in a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted challenges and apprehensions expressed by researchers and practitioners when it comes to effectively involving children, young individuals, and survivors in a truly participatory and pragmatic manner. This will include participatory facilitation techniques that will allow participants to learn by sharing experiences. Furthermore, we will provide practical and tangible examples of ethical and meaningful participation within the complex landscape of CSV research. The workshop draws inspiration from the preliminary findings of a Child Sexual Violence research capacity needs assessment conducted by SVRI in September 2023. Remarkably, more than half of the respondents identified this topic as their primary area of interest, demonstrating the urgency and significance of this workshop. This workshop is for practitioners, researchers, activists.

Facilitators: Joan Njagi and Nicolas Makharashvili, Sexual Violence Research Initiative; Angela Nyamu, Terre des Hommes Netherlands; Tulasha Khadka, ChildSafeNet.

This workshop provides best practices for safe and ethical survey research on violence against women. It will cover measurement concepts and data sources, before delving into the good practices that underpin ethical and safe survey research. Guidance on understanding prevalence data and using it effectively will also be provided. This workshop is intended to support VAW researchers and GBV practitioners with best practice guidelines for safe and ethical research. It will benefit both researchers and those who will be funding, monitoring, managing or advocating for VAW research. The practical guidance will appeal to less experienced researchers; researchers who would like a refresher on best practices; and experienced researchers who are new to the field of measuring VAW.

Facilitators: Kristin Diemer, Melbourne School of Social Work at the University of Melbourne Australia; Cathy Vaughan, Nossal Institute for Global Health and Chair of Global Health at the Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, The University of Melbourne; Sujata Tuladhar, UNFPA Asia Pacific Region; Alexandra Robinson, UNFPA. 

Research and knowledge production, including research on violence against women and girls (VAWG), is often characterised by significant power inequities. Among researchers who work in social justice, there is increasing awareness around the need to approach our research in ways that shift the entrenched inequities between High-Income Country (HIC) contexts and Low- and Middle-Income Country (LMIC) contexts as well as other intersecting forms of power imbalances. Although best practice around ‘decolonising’ VAWG research is still emerging, there are important considerations for better practice.

Drawing from literature, guided by the perspectives of researchers and communities from LMICs, this workshop will explore the process of ‘decolonising’ VAWG research. The workshop, which will include interactive, small-group activities, will primarily focus on principles and practices that may help guide HIC researchers in shifting the inequities often found in knowledge production.

The process of decolonising research is often an uncomfortable journey of critical reflection, interrogating your own privilege, listening, and learning. Acknowledging this, the EQI and SVRI facilitators – two who work for an organisation headquartered in a HIC and one from and based in LMIC contexts – will share their own research experiences to illustrate where our past and current research practices have perpetuated existing inequalities. The facilitators will also share examples where VAWG research projects have attempted to address (neo)colonial epistemic oppressions. We will also address these issues from the funder perspective exploring the concepts and practical actions necessary to advocate for and support ‘decolonised’ research.

This workshop is open to all VAWG researchers, practitioners, funders, and policy makers. While this workshop is targeted at HIC researchers who want to interrogate their own positions of power and privilege, and better understand the process of ‘decolonising’ knowledge production, researchers from LMICs and Indigenous researchers are more than welcome to participate and contribute their experiences and perspectives.

NOTE: This workshop was offered at SVRI Forum 2022, Cancun Mexico. The content in the 2024 workshop will be updated and slightly amended.

Facilitators: Loksee Leung and Xian Warner, The Equality Institute; Ayesha Mago, Sexual Violence Research Initiative.

Remote/virtual methods for researching violence against women has been gaining traction in recent years with the increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). The use of these methods received particular attention during COVID-19 and data collection exercises on VAW were conducted, sometimes with limited or no safety protocols in place. While all methods using new technologies can have some advantages, they also warrant important and specific ethical and safety considerations in addition to fundamental ethical and safety principles that apply to in-person data collection on VAW – whether qualitative or quantitative to ensure that they are not putting women at further risk of harm.

This workshop will cover the following topics with a special focus on the implications of remote/virtual methods: 1) Introduction to the guiding the ethical and safety principles in violence against women research 2) Informed consent, privacy and confidentiality in VAW survey and intervention research and considerations for researching VAW in humanitarian/conflict settings within the context of remote interviews; 3) Methodological considerations with remote/virtual methods 4) Researcher/ interviewer training when using remote methods; 5) De-briefing and support; 6) Strengths and limitations of different remote methods; 6) Technology and data security and 7) Interpreting findings and dissemination of results.

This interactive workshop involving presentations and group discussions aims to provide practical guidance on the ethical considerations on researching violence against women, with a special focus on remote/virtual methods. It is intended for researchers who are new to field of violence against women as well as more experienced researchers, those involved in conducting or planning to conduct surveys on VAW using virtual methods, funder/donors and those involved in Institutional Review Boards.

Facilitators: Elizabeth Dartnall, Sexual Violence Research Initiative; Ellen Bates-Jeffreys, Yale University, LynnMarie Sardinha, World Health Organization;  Claudia García-Moreno, World Health Organization Consultant.

This workshop will cover: 1. Background on VACS 2. Orientation to the questionnaire. 3. Accessing VACS data 4. VACS survey weights 5. Multi-country analysis 6. Generating research questions. This workshop is intended for researchers who are interested in using a violence-focused household survey for secondary data analysis.

Facilitators: Laura Chiang, Stephanie Miedema, Francis Annor, Greta Massetti, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Theories are often considered as dry and academic exercises when addressing real world problems of high significance and prevalence – such as intimate partner violence. However, they can provide valuable insights into why a phenomenon such as intimate partner violence occurs and assist in the selection of key topics or variables of interest both in quantitative and qualitative study design and data analysis or in the planning and implementation of interventions.

This interactive workshop seeks to introduce participants to a wide range of theories addressing predictors of male-perpetrated intimate partner violence and guide participants how to use them in their own research. Short descriptions of all frequently used theories will be provided, key research questions or concepts will be matched with existing theories and participants will be supported in building their own theoretical framework based on their own keywords. Existing evidence for chosen theories will be evaluated for the respective research setting or group. At the conclusion of the workshop, participants will be equipped to evaluate use of theory in existing research and select theoretical frameworks for their own research.

Facilitators: Sarah Meyer and Heidi Stöckl, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Feminist research faces inherent challenges due to the need to navigate various power hierarchies, systemic inequities, and the pervasive influence of patriarchy. Researchers must critically examine who holds power, who is involved in decision-making, and whose perspectives are prioritized. Ensuring that the research agenda reflects the expressed needs of women and girls, building equitable partnerships, involving them in formulating research questions, and selecting methods that best capture their lived experiences are crucial steps. Ethical data collection practices, inclusive data analysis, and effective dissemination are essential to maintaining a feminist approach throughout the research process.

The rapidly evolving technological landscape presents unique opportunities and challenges for feminist research on digital solutions. Key questions include determining what works and gathering evidence-based information on effectiveness and impact:

  • Are new technologies like AI-driven programs effective in safeguarding women and girls?
  • What digital programs work in increasing the online safety of women and girls?
  • What strategies ensure digital tools and platforms reach women and girls meaningfully, bridging the gender digital divide?

Conducting feminist research in digital contexts involves additional challenges. Ensuring accessibility and inclusivity in digital platforms, addressing anonymity and privacy concerns in digital data collection, and overcoming the digital divide are significant hurdles. Additionally, there is the challenge of ensuring that digital tools and interventions are designed and implemented in ways that genuinely empower women and girls rather than perpetuating existing inequities.

Evidence for effective programming in digital spaces is limited, making it essential to address these issues through feminist research methods. This workshop will equip participants with the knowledge and tools to conduct feminist research on GBV digital products, evaluate their impact through a feminist lens, and ensure women and girls are central to the research process.

Participants will gain insights from expert panels, engage in thought-provoking discussions, explore case studies from low and middle-income countries, and learn about innovative research methods. The workshop will also cover effective ways to disseminate research results while keeping women and girls in the feedback loop. By joining us, you will help create safe, ethical, and equitable digital spaces, and bridge the digital divide with demonstrated evidence of effectiveness. Let’s work together for a safer, more inclusive digital world!

Facilitators: Aisha Bain, Common Fire Consulting and WeCiE; Caroline Masboungi, UNICEF; Nadia Jeffrie, GSMA; Ilana Seff, Washington University in St. Louis; Kat Lo, Researcher and Consultant.

The GBV PEF is a tool that was launched in 2020 to help organisations measure GBV prevention outcomes. This workshop aims to equip participants with an understanding of what is needed to ensure programs are analyzed, designed and monitored in a manner that will support the measurement of outcome level results. Participants will be introduced to several outcome-oriented methods, including the use of results-journals, most significant change methodologies, and using contextualized theories of change in support of the risk equation. The workshop will also help organizations think about where they are at now (as individuals or as an organization) to support change that is needed within their programs/organization/system to adopt more outcome-oriented ways of working so that GBV prevention outcomes can be measured and achieved. This workshop is for GBV and non-GBV Specialists/Practitioners and M&E specialists implementing programming with the aim to prevent or reduce GBV in emergencies.

Facilitators: Jessica Lenz, InterAction; Neil Dillon, Data Conscious

The Implementation Science Workshop is intended for practitioners and researchers interested in refining their skills and knowledge in implementation science. Attendees can expect a presentation featuring practical insights and real-life examples, with an open, interactive forum where attendees can engage directly with facilitators and one another.

Facilitators: The workshop will be facilitated by established experts like Drs. Shanaaz Mathews, Rozina Karmaliani, Fauziah Rabbani, Nancy Glass, and Michele Decker.

Join Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) and partners in this pre-conference workshop that will address the critical issue of sexual violence against children and adolescents. Despite the global impact of these crimes, they often remain undocumented and underreported, creating significant challenges in pursuing justice for survivors. This interactive workshop will aim to bridge the gap between evidence and policy by sharing practical, evidence-based approaches to creating trauma-informed justice processes for child survivors. In this workshop, our overarching goals are to explore existing multi-disciplinary evidence that can guide the development of survivor-centered, and trauma-informed documentation and justice processes for child survivors of sexual violence. We aim to discuss the challenges associated with translating this evidence into policy and practice, particularly in resource-limited, conflict, and post-conflict settings. We will seek to create a collaborative space for participants to share experiences, reflect on practical applications, and share implementation strategies and challenges from diverse global contexts. Additionally, we will identify gaps in the current evidence, paving the way for further research and collaboration to strengthen the evidence base for trauma-informed justice processes for child survivors. By the end of the workshop, we will develop a roadmap that outlines practical and actionable steps to continue to foster the vital connection between evidence, policy, and practice in addressing sexual violence against children and adolescents.

Facilitators: Lindsey Green, Thomas McHale and Payal Shah, Physicians for Human Rights

Workshop Fees

Workshop registration (Until 29 February 2024) R1 000,00
Late workshop registration (1 March 2024 – 31 July 2024) R1 200,00

How Conference Workshops are Selected:

The SVRI uses multiple data sources to identify topics and select conveners of Forum workshops. These include:

  1. Feedback from Forum participants via the Forum evaluation questionnaire in which we ask participants what workshop topics they would like to see at the next Forum.
  2. Workshop participants experiences and feedback of workshops they attended at the Forum via the workshop evaluation forms.
  3. Discussions with SVRI Leadership Council on topics and workshop conveners.
  4. Current trends and capacity strengthening needs in the field, guided by the themes set for Forum 2024, the thematic gaps identified during Forum 2022, and informed by SVRI principles.

Based on these multiple sources of information and guidance, invitations are sent to organisations inviting them to host a workshop as part of their contribution to building the field.  In the past workshop hosts have been selected through an open call – due to the burden on applicants we are trialling the current approach – and may in the future adopt a hybrid model using both targeted invitations and an open call. We welcome ideas and suggestions on this.

Sponsorship and Partnership Opportunities

If you would like to partner with the SVRI Forum 2024, please contact us for more on sponsorship and partnership opportunities.

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